Sunday, December 26, 2010

This "Achy-Bone Stuff" is Getting Old!

I guess I shouldn't be complaining, since I don't have a lot of side effects yet, but this achiness is getting a bit old. The two Tylenol last night did little to help this time. I couldn't find a position that was comfortable. Besides the big bones, like the thighs and hip, my knees started hurting too. And now my upper arms! Sheesh!

I did eventually find sleep though broken up,  and woke feeling okay. By lunch the aches creeped on back. I wanted to go out for a walk so I took a couple of Tylenol and it worked! My son and I headed to the local park's disc golf course and I walked the 17 holes (hole 14 does not exist) scoring for my son, for a total of 2.6 miles. Alas, the Tylenol wore off and the aches are back. I'll try a couple more Tylenol tonight hoping sleep falls upon me sooner and longer this night. I don't know how long these aches are supposed to last, but I'd be way out there excited if they go away soon. And I'm taking the Claritin as recommended but I'm starting to think it's just a placebo and it isn't working on me. Or maybe things could be worse. Yikes! I'm not going to take a Claritin tomorrow, so we'll see what happens.

As for eating, I'm still getting my 3 meals and snacks in between. Food isn't an aversion though it doesn't have that OMG kind of taste anymore. But somethings are still pretty awesome. A vanilla shake from Jack in the Box was heavenly. I'm having a glass of red wine tonight, the first drink of alcohol since Monday, the 20th. That's an alcohol drought record for me! It's not wise to mix alcohol with all those toxic drugs and I wasn't sure if it would mess up my stomach. The Cabernet seems a lot drier than I remember. Perks up my mouth. I probably won't do a lot over the next 12 weeks, Dry mouth is a problem with chemo and alcohol justs adds to that. I don't want mouth ulcers and such. Water is so much better for me right now.

1 comment:

  1. Bad Lynn! LOL No alcohol! Don't take a chance on mouth issues. You get enough issues with the treatment, you don't need to add more of your own.
